A Marketer’s Guide to Developing Empathy (for Developers) [EN]

In the WordPress Community, we talk about community frequently. We know how to build community with WordPress, but what about with our own clients? Retaining clients and parting ways with clients requires grace. This type of relationship maintenance is an important thing to learn for introverts and applies to new businesses to veterans. It’s an art and a science — soft skills for the win! In this talk, I’ll discuss how I went from an employee to a business owner — with half of the clients I need in the first four months — because of soft skills. We’ll talk about relationship building tips for organic and sustainable growth — online and off.


Over Bridget Willard

Author of several marketing books, Bridget Willard is a teacher who focuses on building relationships first, brands second. She prides herself in offering in-house training, marketing strategy, copywriting, and social media account management. Her WordPress Plugin “Launch With Words” is a value-add for developers who focus on niche marketing. To equip small business owners, she writes, teaches, presents to small groups, and creates tutorials. When she’s not inspiring small businesses, she is reading books, watching sports with Diesel The Cat, or enjoying the outdoors in Corpus Christi, TX. Say hi to her on Twitter at @BridgetMWillard.